Message from General Manager

Message  | General Manager

Message | General Manager

Dear all,

Well come to visit  Meki Batu Fruits and Vegetables Growers Cooperatives union LTD web site address. Our union was formally established in 2002 GC in Oromia regional state east Shoa zone Dugda District, Ethiopia.  The union is located in the great rift valley of Ethiopia 135km to south east of the capital city Addis Ababa. During the establishment only 12 primary cooperatives engaged on production of Fruits and vegetables by irrigation in two districts of East shoa zone came together and organized this union to overcome the most challenging them individually such as marketing and promoting their product, increasing their limited production capacity and quality by getting credit access and appropriate inputs provision through their union.

Now a day, our operational area increased to two zone East shoa and Arsi zones and covers 6 districts; its members grows to 153 Primary coops. The operational areas under these coops are suitable to grow different horticultural crops and have plenty of irrigable land. Most of the coops produces vegetables/fruits throughout a year and sometimes have participated in improved seed multiplication to solve seed source shortage happened in their pcs and as a region.

The union has developed its experiences from time to time to compete as a region in the areas of horticultural production though we have limited market linkages and accesses for those easily perishable produces. The union is struggling in capacitating its members to improve their livelihood and make strong and competitive cooperatives as a region.

Meki Batu fruits and vegetables growers cooperative union has plenty of opportunities: among them: proximity of the production area to the capital city, Well infrastructure (Addis Ababa to Hawassa asphalt road), Well organized consumer cooperatives in Addis Ababa who have high demands for the products, The union has got GGAP certification and more than 400 HHs GGAP certified under meki batu union, Attention given from government, availability of communication facilities.

We are closely working with development partners such as Ethiopian Airlines, IDH, ATA, ISVCD, Wet land international, SNV, UNIDO, Research institutions, LVIA, EHPEA. So our union is very happy if you join us and work with us especially on horticultural related activities and support in changing the livelihood of small holder farmers.

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